Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact

Jennifer Boum Make, Director of Undergraduate Studies, jb2899@georgetown.edu

Philosophy of research

Original work involving literary, historical, or cultural primary sources and a sustained analysis of them.

How to get started

Gateway level classes have a library visit day and we also all share with our students the most relevant library websites (for instance the French National Library has digitized many sources and RetroNews has digitized centuries-old newspapers).

How to get connected with a faculty mentor

Students can talk to a professor they’ve had in class, or come to the DUS to describe their interest(s) and get paired up with someone.

Earning credit for undergraduate research

Students can earn credits through for-credit courses involving research. However, there are currently no courses dedicated solely to research.

Getting paid for research

Some faculty members with ongoing research projects may be able to engage undergraduate research assistants for pay. Please see “How to get connected with a faculty mentor” above.

Thesis or capstone research

Students in the department can perform research for the optional Senior Honors Thesis.