Earning AP Credit and Placing Out of the College Language Requirement

Earning AP Credit 

A student can earn AP credit (with a score of 4 or 5) by successfully completing the appropriate French course at Georgetown. The appropriate course is determined by the Online Placement Exam.

For language majors

AP+ Confirmation withCredits
4 or 5A score of at least 91 on the Online Placement Exam and the successful completion of Intensive Advanced French II (FREN 2012).5
4 or 5A score of at least 111 on the Online Placement Exam and the successful completion of one of the Gateway courses (FREN 3350 or FREN 3351).10

For non-language majors

AP+ Confirmation withCredits
4 or 5A score of at least 86 on the Online Placement Exam and the successful completion of Advanced French II (FREN 2002).3
4 or 5A score of at least 96 on the Online Placement Exam and the successful completion of Advanced French Grammar and Writing (FREN 2551), or a score of at least 111 on the Online Placement Exam and the successful completion of a Gateway course (FREN 3350/3351).6

Placing out of the College Language Requirement

A student can place out of the College Language Requirement in one of the following three ways, by:

  1. Completing Intensive Intermediate French (FREN 1511) or Intermediate French II (FREN 1502). 
  2. Placing into Advanced French I (Intensive or non-Intensive, i.e., FREN 2011 or FREN 2001) or higher, and successfully completing the course. 
  3. Successfully completing the Proctored Confirmation Oral Interview during NSO, after receiving a score of at least 71 on the Online Placement Exam .

PLEASE NOTE: The Department of French and Francophone Studies enthusiastically encourages ALL students to continue with their study of the language at the appropriate placement level, even if their Confirmation Oral Interview score places them out of the College Language Requirement. To determine in which class to enroll, please consult the French Placement Exam Scale.